

As the continent with the world’s oldest indigenous cultures and languages, EAS is ideally situated & located to educate and contribute to its own people and collaborate with indigenous youth and communities globally. We aim to establish a model school that operates both educationally and structurally to become a model within the APY and nationwide.

Family Centre

The Family Centre is open Mon-Friday 8.40-12.30. Parents and caregivers can access the centre and participate in playgroup activities, health programs and Families as First Teachers early literacy program. A full-time teacher and two AEWs work as a team to ensure the program runs effectively. Services such as CMAHS, CAFHS and NPY will visit the centre to stay connected with clients and run their own programs. A QIP is developed annually in consultation with Governing Council and community members.

Early Years- to Years 2

A child’s participation in quality early childhood education programmes is critical in the development of their cognitive abilities, including social and emotional skills, literacy, and numeracy. It is this period of child development where qualities and traits are established. The quality of the teaching, their environment, and curriculum are fundamental in equipping our children to sustain success, confidence, and resilience.

Learning Environment

Throughout the history of education, educationalists have viewed the environment as the third teacher, and therefore as having equal importance as the teacher. A well-designed environment can support and enhance all areas of a child’s, student, and adult’s development, well-being, and learning, just as a poorly planned environment can detract and restrict learning and development. EAS is working to create zones that best reflect the needs of the students and community.

Within the Australian Curriculum, the goal is that our students are successful learners, confident, creative individuals, and active, informed citizens.

Through learning programmes that provide weekly opportunities for on-country learning (focused on Culture, two-way Science, and Language), and where literacy and numeracy are embedded within the teaching & learning structure, students can thrive across subjects. A strong focus on the First Language Learner Pathway also empowers language and culture, connects learning, and greatly improves outcomes for learners and maximises teaching for a Planned, Taught, and Assessed curriculum in focused classes and intervention programmes. The majority of NIT is provided through Language, Arts, and PE with 2WS where the Anangu Educators lead the on-country learning (on & off-campus).


There is a shared and targeted focus on coherent secondary pathways including FLO, Wiltja, TTC, SACE and VET. Students regularly attend the Trade Train Centre (TTC) to achieve SACE credits and VET certificates as well as working in class to achieve Stage 1 and 2 SACE.

A mathematics agreement supports staff to know what is expected in order to provide students with common and coherent learning experiences underpinned by shared understandings of effective teaching in mathematics research.

Coherence is about shared understandings which lead to clarity about common teaching practice. Shared cohesion is about understanding the depth of complexity in the nature of our work.

We provide maths learning sessions that enables students to:

  • Know and understand the learning intention
  • Hear, see, speak and use mathematics vocabulary
  • Solve problems through exploration and explicit teaching of strategies
  • Be efficient in mental computation strategies
  • Make connections in their learning through feedback and reflection
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